Monday, September 16, 2019


That is a page I did for my scrapbook journal. 

I used to try and juggle a kazillion things at once, you know, kids, husband, cleaning, shopping.. oh, I don't need to go into all that. We all have done it.

But, I find that multitasking at this age is almost impossible. I do good to just concentrate on accomplishing one thing at a time.!

So, I guess it is all about BALANCE.

And, speaking of Balance.. there is another phase of Balance that can sure cause a heap of trouble if we lose it. 

I was getting to where I couldn't walk in a straight line. I'd run into walls, push my daughter off the sidewalk we were on. (well, not off. but I'd run into her) so the dr. sent me to a ENT. I am thinking, what has an ENT got to do with my Balance

Well, he sent me to PT and now I am fine.

But... he also discovered that I had hearing loss. I wasn't aware of that! But, now I wear hearing aids and it helps so much. 

Here is something I got from AARP

In a study of 150,000 people 50 years old or older. Over the 10 year study, people with untreated hearing loss had a 52% greater risk of dementia, a 41% higher risk of depression and almost 30% of greater risk of falls than those with no hearing loss. 

So... Balance in every aspect of our lives is so important. 

How's your Balance?


  1. Those statistics are scary. I like the way you illustrate your scrapbook journal.

  2. I didn't know hearing loss had anything to do with our balance!

  3. Saw your comment on Marie's blog and discovered you had returned to blogging after all. I'll bookmark your blog and start reading you again.

  4. So glad your balance problem has been cured. Yep, our ears can cause a lot of scary things. Didn't like those stats one bit from AARP. Probably wouldn't hurt to get my ears checked. Thanks for the heads up.

  5. Glad you were able to solve your balance problem. I was just thinking about what balance means at different stages of our lives. It used to be balancing schoolwork and fun, then family and work, and now at this stage of life, when we talk about balance it’s a physical thing. Hmmm, interesting!

  6. Those stats at the end are fascinating and a little scary! I try to work on balance too. I'm glad you're OK. I know how scary that can be. And I love your page so very much!


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