Saturday, August 17, 2019

My Funny Husband

                       Did you know that yesterday was National Tell A Joke Day?

And, naturally when I hear the word "joke" I think of my dear departed husband. That man loved to tell jokes... and he was so good at it. The punch line always on target, the timing perfect. 

So, naturally the family, me in particularly, heard them over and over and over. He never forgot a one!! 

And, he was a natural cut-up, too. He was in his element when he was making someone laugh. That man was almost never 'down', he was happy, go-lucky, and happy to be on this earth. 

My message today is this.. Oh how I wish I had taped him telling his jokes. With today's technology it's just so easy. But, we let that opportunity slip by and now he is gone. I can hardly remember a one of his jokes and I couldn't tell them like he did, even if I did remember them. 

Take the time to make tapes, videos, audio recordings, however you want to do it but do take the time to capture that piece of your loved one so that you will have it with you always.  


  1. Oh yes, wouldn't it be wonderful to have recorded him telling his jokes. I wish I had photos of my mom preparing supper each night, or baking our favorite birthday cake etc. I have the memories but no photos. Have a nice evening.

  2. Good advice! I recently ran into a recording of my husband's voice that I forgot existed and it made me so happy to hear it again.

  3. That is a very good piece of advice. We have hundreds of videos etc of the children but none of older loved ones.

  4. They say laughter is the best medicine. My brother (now deceased) used to make me laugh so hard I cried. How I miss him.

  5. I agree, that would be wonderful to have videos of your husband, he sounds like he could crack people up. I wish I had videos of my husband, I would watch them a lot.


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