Monday, September 4, 2023

A Feel Good Time

 I try to be a positive person but I often fall short. 

This world seems to be gurgling down a big black hole in the way of morals, ethics, just being good. 

It takes it's toll!

But, I discovered something that gives me a 'feel good time' every single morning. 

Yep, It's Sean of the South. That boy has a way with telling stories that just make you feel good. You might laugh, you might get out a kleenex or two but there's always a subtle message and you just walk away with a spring in your step. 

This Sean of the South can be found at  I signed up to receive his stories via email. So, every morning, I sit down at my computer, sign in to my email and read his latest. It just makes me start  the day off right. 


  1. I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying Sean! I've been a big fan for years, but usually follow him on Facebook or Instagram. The highlight of my year was meeting him (here in Millbrook) and getting one of his 'famous' hugs.

  2. I must thank you for turning me on to Sean of the South recently. I bought 3 of his fabulous books, Vol 1 of his very short upbeat essays, his wonderful novel The Incredible Winston Browne, and his Will the Circle Be Unbroken? A Memoir of Learning You're Gonna Be Okay. Wow, love his books. Haven't read the memoir yet.

  3. That was such a good one! I"m going to sign up for the daily reminders too! I follow him on Instagram but hadn't read these - what a great way to start the day. I'm from the South so it all sounds familiar! So funny! I need to check out some of his books. Happy Labor Day to you!

  4. I'll have to hop over and check him out! Thanks for the link...
    Hope you're doing well!

  5. Hi Latane, I'll check the link out. I hope you had a wonderful Labor Day holiday!


Thank you for your visit, your comment and your friendship. You have just made my day.