Thursday, August 24, 2023

What a Glorious Day

                                                                 What a glorious day! 

I walked out on the balcony, the air was crisp and the sky so blue with soft, fluffy clouds. It looked like a painting. I sank down in my high rise chair and just enjoyed being there. 

I hadn't been out there for awhile. While maintenence was preparing the apartment beneath me for my new neighbors they had discovered that my air conditioner or water heater was leaking and damaging the ceiling below me. So, that was in repair. They placed a fan on my balcony floor to dry out the 'utility' room. 

A week after that happened, and I had spent part of that time in the hospital, I found that the fan was still there and running non-stop. I guess they had forgotten it. We got that remedied and with the fan gone I could actually sit on my balcony. 

They announced that our entire building will be power washed next week. That means that every single thing that is outside my apartment has to be brought inside. I'll gladly do it.... cause we haven't been spray washed in 3 years and this place is getting mighty dirty looking. Before Covid they did it at least once a year, sometimes twice. Yep, we are one dirty mess around here. 

These pictures were taken in 2019....

So, that's what's on my mind this morning. What are you up to?


  1. Looks glorious

  2. I have begun decorating for Fall. I was over at Linda's Life Journal ( a delightful blog) and she inspired me to get moving on decorating for the new season ( even if it doesn't feel like Fall just yet. It is coming.) Of course I had to make a quick trip to the dollar store to get more supplies. I sure like those Dollar Stores.
    Of course many are not actually Dollar stores. The one I go to first to look for anything charges $1.50 for each item but Dollaramas charge more.
    Here's to a lovely clean deck ♥♥♥
    Granny M

  3. That certainly is a gorgeous sky! Great photo Latane! I’m glad you got your air-conditioner fixed and the fan finally removed, and now with the power washing. Always looks so good when everything is washed, which reminds me we have to do ours. Things tend to look a little green in the shaded areas. Nothing too exciting around here this morning. Once a week we stop being good and go to a fastfood place. Today it was McDonalds. Cheeseburger, French Fries and I took my own water. Naughty but very nice ;) now it's back to being good.

  4. What a beautiful blue sky and puffy white clouds!
    Enough to make anyone smile. :)

  5. Beautiful sky! It was cloudy and hazy here all day and right now we have a big storm going through. I hope we don't lose power!
    Power washing makes everything look better.


Thank you for your visit, your comment and your friendship. You have just made my day.