Monday, August 21, 2023

A Trip To The ER

 When it rains, it pours!!

So, I went to the dentist. They x-rayed my tooth and determined that it would be pulled at a later date. 

Started to get up out of the chair and was extremely dizzy, took two dental assts. to get me to the waiting room where I started vomiting. Let me tell you, that is so embarrassing.  

I had driven up there myself.. had lunch with Shirley... was fine BUT now I wasn't, Luckily Shirley was nearby so she came to see about me. 

A call to my dr. office had us rushing to the ER. They thought I was having a stroke. BP 203 over something, I don't remember what. Then they said it was vertigo but this 'spell' was nothing like the vertigo I have so I didn't believe them. 

Ten hours in the ER.. isn't that always the way of ER visits!! I was admitted to the hospital at 3 a.m.

Boy, that was one long night!! 

Stroke ruled out. Thank God for that!! The cardiologist came in. He diagnosed me as having Ortho Septic HypoTension. 

I am home now. When I gain some strength back, guess what I will be doing? 

Yep, throwing away all that junk in my pantry that is not good for me. Man, I'm gonna miss some of that stuff! 

But, my heart and brain both were determined to be working fine so I now have to do the work to keep them that way. 

Wish me luck.... this is gonna be hard. 


  1. Oh my gosh Latane! Thank goodness Shirley was able to come help you. I'm sure Shirley will be keeping a close eye on you to be sure you are doing okay. I am so sorry to hear of this happening to you and I do hope you recover your strength and better health soon.

  2. I'm so sorry! But at least it ended well. I hope you have no more surprises in life so that you can relax and continue enjoying life. (Well, after your tooth is taken care of!) andrea

  3. Lots of good luck and prayers. So glad it wasn't a stroke. I've gotten back into a healthier eating routine after getting back from a week away. I loved an ice cream snack every night while I was away, but I will love more that I can zip my winter jacket. Take care, my friend.

  4. How frightening! Lifting prayers right now for a complete recovery!

  5. I'm so glad you're okay now. Best of luck in the more scary surprises. You just never know what's going to be happening next. gentle hugs, Granny M

  6. My goodness, you're really having a time of it lately! Good thing you have such a positive attitude! Take care!

  7. I am so sorry to hear this, Latane. It sounds like it happened rather suddenly which must have been scary. Good to hear that it wasn't a stroke and I do wish you good luck and will say a prayer for your return to good health. Take care.

  8. I'm so sorry! That's enough of this stuff. Now you need to stay well and have some fun.

  9. So sorry. That sure must have been scary. Praying you will be fine again soon.

  10. So sorry!!!! Those ER visits are horrible. Prayers for a quick recovery and back to good health, my friend!

  11. I hate the ER! Understaffed! SO happy it wasn't worse for you...A bad snack just isn't worth waiting in the ER for hours...

  12. Sorry to read this and what you had to go through. Never heard of that diagnosis but I assume you are throwing out all the salty items?

  13. Who would have thought that a trip to the dentist could end up in the ER? Certainly, you did not, Latane, and what a long ordeal. Glad that you are OK except for all that pantry clearing out.

  14. So glad someone was with you. That must have been scary. Our diets do seem to affect us greatly, especially as we age.


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