Monday, April 1, 2024

Good News On April Fool's Day

                            This isn't an April Fool joke and boy, am I thankful for that!

Went for my annual mammogram this morning, the first following my lumpectomy and radiation. 

                                    The radiologist pronounced it as perfect

                            Talk about being given a gift. And, a new lease on life. 


For the first time since I moved to Virginia back in 1999, the family didn't get together for Easter. I decided I'd treat myself to a scrumptious breakfast. Made myself a Mexican-style Monte Cristo sandwich. I mean, if you don't treat yourself well, who the heck is?                                                      

It's topped with pepper jelly that my granddaughter sells from her company Sugar and Bice. 

Then I just acted lazy the rest of the day.

So happy I can do that if I want to! 

My son says that at age 90 I can do whatever the heck I want. Love that boy! 



  1. congrats! Your son is right! Live each day to the fullest as you are doing! andrea

  2. Hooray for your mammogram!
    I agree, you just enjoy yourself.

  3. I am SO thrilled for you and thankful for your good news!!

  4. I agree! Treat yourself all the time. Great news on the perfect mammogram.

  5. That's the BEST sort of news! I like the way in which you treat your taste buds. Yum,!

  6. Lovely that you made yourself a delicious breakfast!! Your son has good advice!!

  7. Hi Latane, I'm so glad to hear of your mammogram results. I know that must have lifted your spirits to hear the good news. Your sandwich with the pepper jelly looks really good too:)

  8. Congrats on the good results, Latane! And Happy Easter (a few days late) !

  9. What good news, God is good.!

  10. Great news indeed, Latane, and good for you on your treating yourself, plus good advice from your son😀


Thank you for your visit, your comment and your friendship. You have just made my day.