Sunday, September 1, 2024

Nothing Stops Miss P

 I just have to tell you about one of my neighbors here at the 55+ apartment complex! 

                                        We call her Miss P

                                         It fits her to a tee! 

She is 92 years old and I have never seen that woman when she wasn't dressed to the hilt. There's the dangly earrings, chunky necklaces and her signature eyeglasses and lordy, she is never without her high, high heels. How that woman walks in those things is  beyond me. 

When the Kentucky Derby was on, we had this fun-filled party going on, thanks to my Shirley who headed it up. There were mock-mint juleps and lots of food. There were guessing games and we even had our own race.  The horses were really stick horses attached to walkers and rollators. 

Now, you lookout for Miss P! She won once out of three races. And, in those red high heels. 

                    Gotta love her attitude. Gotta love that woman! 


  1. Go Miss P! She looks like she knows how to have a good time!

  2. Isn't that fun! She looks like an interesting woman.

  3. What fun, and in high heels too!

  4. Good for Miss P to dress up and enoy herself and glad she also won at the races!

  5. I think she has the energy to live a long time.

  6. Miss P looks like a lot of fun! I don't know how she wears heels though!

  7. Good for her. Loving and appreciating all that life gives, looks good on her. I hope she makes it to 100.

  8. She sounds wonderful and such a fun lady. I am impressed she is still wearing heels. I had to give those up years ago. She sounds like she is channeling the Energizer Bunny. How I wish I was and a big smile here.

  9. I love her smile! Great way to win...heels and all!

  10. She looks SO happy! Good for her!

  11. Miss P is a cute fashionista! If I ever find myself in a race with her, I'll be sure and step to the side as she passes me:)

  12. Hi Latane~ I just love posts like this! What a wonderful attitude, Miss P has! I don't know how she can wear high, high heels, I can barely wear flats without falling - hehehehe! Thanks for sharing, it made my day! Hugs, Barb

  13. Well, what a wonderful friend! She just looks like fun!!!


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