Sunday, September 15, 2024

I am Bored!

 I am just bored 'outta my gourd'. 

It's Sunday. There's nothing to watch on tv. The phone doesn't ring. Noone drops by. And, I don't want to tackle a big project. I do need one day of rest, right?

Yesterday I set up a painting station in my office/guest bedroom. I've been needing to do this for a long time. It was such a chore trying to drag my art supplies out from every nook and cranny. Now, I can just sit down and paint. Which is what I did! Here's what I cranked out yesterday. 

I'd painted onions before. I think maybe I like this one the best. What do you think?

Here's the ones I'd already done?

Not in the mood to paint today. Just may go in the kitchen and cook me up something to eat. A gal can eat when she can't do anything else! 
I do cook ... 
I made some corn chowder the other day for lunch. 
It was yummy


  1. All your onion paintings are nice. I do like the first one the best because it has a wild and carefree vibe to it.
    Corn chowder is a favorite right next to French Onion soup for a winter pick me up.
    Have a wonderful week!

  2. I agree, Latane, that having a painting station set up is so convenient. Makes my front room a little messy, but I don't really care. And I really like yesterday's onion the best too!

  3. I'm so impressed! Your paintings are so good! I wish I had an inkling of that talent.
    Your corn chowder looks very good.

  4. You are a good drawer/painter! And your soup looks delicious...I bet the kielbasa really helps! We are usually bored on Sundays here because we don't work and we don't do anything that might make someone work around us (like shopping or eating out). Growing up in Pennsylvania with the Blue Laws, it was very, very boring there too! andrea

  5. Hi Latane! What a beautiful painting! You need to paint every time you are bored! The soup sounds so yummy - thanks for the recipe. We are going to be having some cooler temperatures, and corn chowder would sure hit the spot! Have a great week. Hugs, Barb

  6. Your onion painting are nice and my favorite is the first one but they’re all good. Wow such talent! Is there anything you can’t do?
    Corn chowder sounds like a nice meal and the recipe is simple. Maybe you should do a cookbook for seniors and then instead of photos, you could paint. Some of my favorite cookbooks have nice illustrations instead of photos and they’re real special to me because of the art. I don’t need a photo to follow a recipe.

  7. Setting up a painting station is a great idea. Love the onions, especially the first one.
    Soup is always a good meal for me and your corn chowder looks delicious. You have beautiful handwriting!

  8. I like your paintings very much.

  9. Love ALL the paintings! You SO good!
    Thanks for the chowder looks wonderful!

  10. I am super bored, too and need to get a hobby going! The paintings are really good, btw.

  11. That's the second time this week that someone mentions corn chowder. I've never made it but I may just do that real soon.


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