Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Bits and Pieces

 I've been piddling with writing since I was in high school. I knew it was there, deep inside me, and I think it is still there but sometimes it forgets it way. The reason I think that... 

I started writing a book about a girl named Ruthie who lives in a mining camp. I have several chapters written, nearly 200 pages but then there was a brick wall between me and that book. I am not sure why. Do any of you  write? Do you ever have 'writer's block?' If so, how the heck did you get out of it. Maybe I need to check with ChatGPT to see what they suggest! I know how the book goes, just can't make my fingers hit the keyboard!!

The snow is gone! Mostly.... There is one strip of pine trees between the pond and the main road and that strip is still covered in snow. 

I got out Sunday. Knew that car needed cranking up so I drove it up the highway a ways, turned around and came back. Of course, on the way there happened to be a Bojangles and it just happened to be lunch  time!! haha. 

I noticed a bruise on my arm the other day. No recollection of how it got there. My skin is getting/has gotten so thin that any little bump can leave a mark. So, I am checking my arms for other bruises. There's a bunch of brown spots but those are old age spots. 
That was the only bruise I had. 

I just finished reading 'The Year of Magical Thinking'.

Written about Didion's attempt to sort out the meaning of her daughter's illness which was following by her husband's sudden death. I could relate to so much of that book, having lost my husband and also living through the death of a baby son and years later, an accident my daugher had that changed our lives. I recommend it if you have lost someone you love or if you haven't. It's about life as we live it. 

I'm always reading books that explain life, the complexities of living, how we all fit into that scheme of things and how I can learn and become a better person for having read those. 

Right how I am meeting with a life coach once a month. (I don't aim to go out of this life with regrets of not living it to the fullest). My 'homework' is to write a list of all my accomplishments and also write a list of gratitudes?

Do any of you keep a gratitude journal? I think it's a good thing. 

Well, I've rambled on and on... today the temps are going up into the 60s so I need to get out and enjoy. I hope you enjoy your day, as well. 


  1. I love your ramblings! When I click on here and there's a new post, yay! I don't write except for my blog, but I would love to. Stephen King wrote a book called "On Writing, and it almost inspired me to start my book. I'm glad you got out and got that car some exercise, and it's good to keep in practice going through drive-throughs. :). Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.

  2. I’ve heard it said, everyone has a book inside them - it’s getting that book out from us, is the issue. I have one within me but haven’t figured out the key. 🔐

  3. What an interesting thing to do, have a life coach! Do have fun with it! (ツ) from Jenn Jilks , ON, Canada!

  4. I have written several stories over the years... and it's the writing of them, the creative mental process that I love. When you're in a story, whether it's one you're reading or one you're writing, I find that you're lost in another time zone (if that makes sense). And yes, I have several that stopped after hundreds of pages... just stopped! Sometimes the muse is just gone... for a while... or forever.

  5. I have never attempted writing a book - maybe you could have someone read what you have so far and ask you questions - that might free up the rest of the story. I have tried to read the Joan D. book a couple of times and just could not get into it. I think it wasn't so much the subject matter, just her writing style. I journal every day, but I just let the thoughts and feelings flow. Sometimes, there is gratitude. Not all of the time. Such is life.

  6. I keep many journals. One is to record the books I read, one for a regular journal, one for my favorite quotes from books I read, and other journals. I have been writing for fun since I could write poetry, and have always wanted to write a book some day. My Mom encouraged me, but so far, I have participated in the National Novel Writing Month every November. I have not done that in years now, but kept all my writing. I lost my mojo to read and to write anything when Mom passed away. I think part of me died with her. I am finally feeling better this year and have been at least back to finding my love to read again. I am actually crocheting a "book" blanket to go with the books I have read. You can read about it on my blog.

  7. I attempted to write a couple of children's books but they went no where except my files. I dreamed up a book once - literally a dream that when I awoke I thought would be a good book but never went any farther than that.
    Sorry to read of your writer's block - have you tried just dictating to the computer your thoughts?

  8. I know I read The Year of Magical Thinking years ago. I enjoyed it but now I can't remember much about it. Maybe time to read it again.
    I don't keep a gratitude journal but I do try to think about all my blessings before I go to sleep.
    I hope you blast through that writer's block.

  9. I think you are really good at writing and I hope you can get past your writer's block. I so enjoyed Springtime in Magnolia and then the chapters that I read of Summertime in Magnolia just made me want more--the sign of a good book to me!


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