Tuesday, August 20, 2024

A Box Full of Memories

 It all started with the search of a recipe! 

I knew I had stored it away somewhere since I didn't use it. Well, let's just say I thought I knew! 

So, I put a pillow on the floor, eased my titanium knees down on that pillow, bent over and pulled out three plastic storage boxes I had once shoved under my bed.

                        That recipe had to be in there!!

Getting up from the floor was a struggle but I made it. 

Two whole days later, my bed covered in a mess, I am finally convinced that I no longer have that recipe! 

Oh well, it set me on another adventure. One box had a bunch of 'keepsakes' in it and I photographed each one, documented them and then stored them back 'under the bed'. My kids aren't going to know where that stuff came from, how much it meant to someone, how it connected to our family.

                             They will know now!! 

I rediscovered some really neat things. Like the V-Mail from World War II that I had received when I was 10 years old from a friend fighting in Italy. 

My husband's barbering tools he used to cut sailors hair to make extra money when we first got married back in the '50s.

A tin car that my little brother played with before his death in 1931 (before I was born). He was 3 years old.

My granddad's shaving brush (he died in 1949)

The tie that I wore with my high school band uniform 1949

And, so much more. There are so many memories tied up in that box. I hope my children enjoy and appreciate my keepsakes as much as I do. It's hard to tell these days how kids view the past. But, I see interest growing in each of them as they get older themselves. It will mean something I am sure. 


  1. What amazing memories, beautiful and definitely worth cataloguing, I might do that one day, perhaps?? Such treasures you have.

  2. Sweet treasures! I'm especially drawn to that little tin car.
    You've given me a much needed kick -- realizing I need to do this sort of thing as well before much more time evaporates.

  3. Those things are treasures, more valuable than money for sure!

  4. I love going through old things...and down memory lane! That little car sure is sweet!

  5. Hi Latane! What a wonderful trip down memory lane! It's so good that you are documenting all of your things. I sometimes wonder if all of my treasures will end up at Good Will one day! I hope not, and I hope yours won't either! Such precious finds! Hugs, Barb

  6. This is the most beautiful post, my friend. I loved seeing these special keepsakes from your lifetime. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  7. That's a great idea, to photograph everything and label it. I was recently looking for my grandma's obituary, like you, thinking it was in one of my two memory boxes, but I never did find it. I do have arm bands from when I was in a baton corp; my lanyard and badge from helping with the Goodwill Games back in the 90's, and I think I have that exact shaving set from my grandpa! Including the scissors! I hope you find that recipe somewhere. It will probably appear when you least expect it. :)

  8. WoW!! such treasures. i LOVE that truck and the v-mail, i enjoy seeing penmanship writings from years ago!!

  9. Hello it’s good to hear from you, sounds like you’ve been busy. I’m sure your children, grands & great grands will appreciate the family history behind your keepsakes. If they don’t know, they will later. I’ve found after a loved ones passing there’s so many questions you forgot to ask whilst they were with you. I’m proud I have my aunties art box ( I’m an artist too, in large part to her influence), my mother’s piano ( I’m no way an accomplished pianist like she was but inherited her blonde hair). My fathers film star books from the 30’s ( and crooked front tooth :) Another aunts beloved scrapbook from Queen Elizabeth’s & Prince Phillips wedding & use another aunties crockery tea set every morning for my morning coffee. I feel closer to them with their objects around me. Have a blessed day ❤️


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