Thursday, July 4, 2024

Having lunch with Susan

Susan and I  had a fun trip to Westport, Conn. You see, there was this really neat place called Terrain that she knew I'd love. She was sooo right! 

I could have spent a ton of money!
It was my kind of place!

We had lunch there so this post will focus on that but rest assured, there is more to come.

Our bread was served in a pot with wine-shallot whipped butter. I had the strawberry lemonade. 

My grilled cheese sandwich was unreal...guereye cheese with thin slices of apple and fig preserves. 

Susan's salad looked good. 

Why I did this, I have no idea...stuck one part of the bill in my mouth to get it out of the way of my signing our bill. Susan of course, just had to snap my pic.


  1. It looks like my kind of place too. Last pic made me laugh, good for Susan!

  2. You had me a 'bread in a pot.' That all looks delicious ... and, Susan, thank for keeping it real with that last shot!

    This is Myra/Mevely317 at Respice Prospice. My Chromebook thinks I'm Anonymous and won't change its mind.

  3. Your sandwich looked absolutely delicious, made my mouth water, I think I'll ask my hubby to make one like it!

  4. That looks like fun! My daughter is so busy...

  5. Hi Latane, What a fun time! Your daughter is making your visit a memorable one. You look like you were still hungry with the bill in your mouth even after eating that delicious looking sandwich. Ha!


Thank you for your visit, your comment and your friendship. You have just made my day.