Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Rambling Wednesday

 I don't go into all that celebrity worship like a lot of folks do, but I could not help but be sad about Dolly Parton's husband passing. I appreciate his role in her life. She needed the spotlight, he needed his solitude and they made it happen. That's what love is all about.... letting your 'other' be themselves without giving up who you are. My husband was always supportive of what I did. And, I supported him. Geez, I miss that man! 

A quick note and I'll shut up about my teeth. Man, have they dominated my life for months now but I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I just want to thank all of you who have posted such comforting messages. You girls are the best! 

I don't know when I have been more positive about life (what little there is left of it) and I am so thankful for that. I'm gonna make each day count big time and enjoy it all. 

I am heavy into reading self-help books and yes I have gone the therapy route in short spurts during my lifetime (it always seems I need that after me losing a loved one). It's not a bad thing to been as diligent about your mental health as it is your physical health.

Speaking of physical health. My son and I talk over the cell phone often about changing our eating habits. He's all for it and I am to a certain extend. I figure at this age I don't need to give up all my guilty pleasures! 

Oh, while I am on the subject of eating. What is your favorite SOFT food to eat after dental work? I am finding that it is tough to vary your diet much if you want soft stuff. Maybe you can help me out. 

Here's a blast from my past.....
(guess you can tell I don't have any BIG thing to share today so I am rambling haha)

me riding my daughter's horse, Charlie
back in the 1970s


  1. You are a wonderful person! Good luck with it all.

  2. I am sad for Dolly too.
    That's a sweet picture of you and your hubby.
    I'm glad the tooth issue is finally coming to an end!

  3. I've had a lot of dental issues, can relate to the discomfort. I find rice dishes the easiest to eat. Chinese fried rice, spanish rice and rice cooked in chicken stock with butter and parmesan.

  4. ICE CREAM!!!

  5. ooh, that was sad to hear about her Hubby! Widowhood is not for the faint of heart. I think some super creamy and maybe overcooked mac and cheese sounds comforting on both the teeth and the tummy. Maybe I'm biased because I LOVE IT, ha ha. You are right about the mental health help - and sometimes it is vital.

  6. Hello! You know, it says a lot about Dolly's husband and their relationship that I didn't even know she was married! What a beautiful life they must have had all these years. I absolutely love the photos of you, my friend. You also are living a full and beautiful life. Ok, and for the soft foods, hear me out, ok? I am addicted to cottage cheese! Some people love it, some hate it! But with a little salt and pepper??? Yummmm!

  7. I'm sorry I can't recommend a soft food but how about a soup? I don't think I've ever had to eat soft foods due to a dental procedure. You, on the horse and such a nice beautiful background of the woods looks so peaceful. I see the little dog in the left corner of the picture:)

  8. Leek and potato soup, macaroni cheese... comfort food!

  9. Latane, all the above suggestions on soft foods sound great, especially ice cream and maybe yogurt if you like it. It was sad to read about Dolly's husband passing. Thanks for sharing the photos of you and your husband and yourself astride that horse.

  10. Glad to read you're so positive about your dental work and that it's coming to an end. Soft food? mashed potatoes.


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