Friday, March 14, 2025

Modeling adventure part #4

 Susan got busy right away with her agency in Paris, meeting photographers for photo shoots, getting some work, going on 'go-sees' (the term for auditions) and making a few friends. She remained living at La Louisanne Hotel where she and I had stayed so they got to know her very well. In fact, she took her Dad and I to Europe 5 years later. When we checked into La Louisanne the clerk greeted her with a big hug and 'Aw, Susanne. How good to see you'. Some impression my daughter had made!! Of course, it could be due to the fact that she was always having to use their phone for calls from her Mama who missed her terribly. 

She made the cover of Arpel Magazine in Paris 

some more pages from that magazine

Eventually she moved from Paris to Milan, Italy then on to Madrid, Spain. I was always encouraging her to 'go see the sights' but she was a busy gal living her own life. She wishes now that she had listened more to her Mama. 

This one is from Milan, Italy

It was during her stay in Spain that she was in a chair having her make-up done when she kept hearing the stylists chattering away. She knew little of the Spanish language but picked up enough to know that the country of Lybia and the U.S were into it somehow. Seems that Lybia had been bombed. The Spanish didn't take to kindly to that, so Susan started telling everyone she was from Canada, not the U. S. No sense in taking chances when you didn't have to. 

A billboard featuring Susan in Spain
Susan paid me back big time for me not contacting her that time I got stuck in the snow encased airports. She didn't mean to, it just happened. She and another girl were sent to Hamburg, Germany for work. They were to fly there on short notice so Mama didn't know that she wasn't still in Italy. I could not get in touch with her for days and I got scared. Where was my baby?

Susan feeling the swans in Hamburg, Germany

Seems that she and the other girl decided to not fly but to take the train instead. Now, they have some fast trains in Europe so they made the trip in a short time. That shouldn't have delayed a phone call home but soon as they arrived in Hamburg they were taken to a location for a shoot. I certainly was relieved when I finally got that call from her. 

Susan got homesick. She knew she should stay longer in Europe. Her portfolio was looking good but it still needed some more great photos in it to make it have the WOW factor. Being homesick won out. She packed up and flew back to New York and her boyfriend. 

Monday, March 10, 2025

Paris Part 2 and 3 continued

If you are following the story of my daughter Susan's modeling career part 2 is found at this link  so go there and then continue with this post (it's part 3)

It was time to leave this 'weird and scary' hotel! So, the two of us set out in search of anything nicer and we found La Louisanne Hotel on Rue de Seine and knew we had hit the jackpot. We had our own bathroom with nice, fluffy towels, a view out a window that we could open and just soak in the Paris vibe.

It was perfect.... and it was near Notre Dame cathedral. 

Susan had met a Parisian back in New York so she called him up and he showed us some of the sights. He drove us out to a Hugmonous flea market where he treated us to lunch and we wandered and drooled over everything we wished we could bring home. 

It was nearly nightfall when we parked near the Eifel Tower and watched the twinkling lights of the city. On another day Susan and I rode the lift up to the first deck of the tower and the view was breathtaking. 

We went to Versallies Palace. All I can say is WOW. We toured Notre Dame, ate in quaint little sidewalk cafes. 

At Versaille Palace
And, then the week was over. It was time to leave my 20 year old in Paris to begin her work, ALONE. 

Susan took me to the train station for the trip back to Brussells, Belgium. My plane would lift off early the next morning so I knew I  had an overnight stay in the airport. 

Once there, I settled in, the place was empty except for a lone traveler (me) sitting in a seat,  my purse wedged behind my back, my suitcase in the adjoining seat so I could lean over and sleep. SLAP, SLAP, SLAP... footsteps are approaching. I open my eyes to see a uniformed guard with heavy boots carrying a sub-machine gun doing his patrol. Should I be scared? Or should I feel safer? What the heck! I went back to sleep. 

The plane covered in snow

By morning snow was coming down heavy, flights were cancelled and so I spend the day in the airport waiting and waiting. Finally we take off for Newark Airport. Remember. No cell phones so no one knows I've been delayed. 

By the time we get to Newark my connecting flight had been gone hours ago... no more flights out so I settle down to spend another night in this airport. Sometime during the night I look out the huge glass windows and snow is coming down! Guess what. Flights are cancelled and I spent another day not knowing when I can fly out.  Finally after dark, I board a plane that has been deiced and I head for Alabama. 

My poor baby, my daughter I left behind has been worried sick. I was to call her as soon as I got home and here it is two nights and two days and I am still not home. When I did call,  she said she thought she had put me on the wrong train and had sent me to Siberia or some other cold, dangerous place. 

My husband met me at the airport. I hugged him and then said, 'Home, please. I need a hot bath.'

More pictures from our trip:

One of my favorite photos ever! Taken out the car as we sat waiting for the light to change.

Susan and me at the street market outisde our hotel

Susan with her Parisian friend

Susan beside the Seine River

Friday, March 7, 2025

How it All Began!

 I've had requests for more on a couple things that I have posted.... one was my daughter as a model and the other one was more about my Paris adventures. 

So, here goes.

As soon as Susan got to be a teenager, she started talking about wanting to be a model. Here we were living out in the country on a farm in north/central Alabama. Where did she get that notion? But, she was sure that is what she wanted to do. 

Her first model card

By the time she graduated from high school we had found a model agency in Birmingham, 40 miles from us and so we went over to see if she might stand a chance at being a model. They signed her and soon she was doing newspaper ads for a big department store there, some magazine work etc.

Newspaper Ad

Alabama Monthly magazine
a store catalog
 Eventually she started getting work in Atlanta. 

John Casablancas Model Agency in New York send a representive down to check out the girls in Bham and Susan along with 4, I think it was, other girls were chosen to fly to New York for try outs. We were so thrilled. 
                    The girls in their New York hotel room

When the girls flew out of Bham, a crew from the local tv station went with them, filming their adventure. They were featured on the local 'news magazine' program. 

At the airport

Susan and one other girl was signed with John Casablancas and then they came home. Susan was to go back to New York to start her career as soon as Christmas was over. 


We attended a wedding on Dec. 23rd. Susan and her best friend wanted to go to the mall instead of doing the reception so Elbert and I said yes. That's just what teenagers do. 

A short time later a man in jeans and corduroy jacket walks into the reception hall and calls out, 'is there a Mr. and Mrs. Barton here?'

Down the road our daughter sat in her car, blood everywhere.

Her car before it was hit.

 A drunk driver had hit her. Her head had crashed through the windshield. This was in the early 1980s so things were different then like seat belts etc. Glass shards were embedded in her scalp and forehead, a cut above one eye and a broken ankle. It could have been worse! 

with Mom in the hospital... it was Christmas Day

Months followed with surgeries, daily trips to the gym to build up strength in her leg, scarring to deal with on her face. Would she ever fulfill her dream? Her Dad and I didn't think so but that girl never gave up.

I had given her a music box that played 'New York, New York' and for months it had remained silent. finally one day I heard that music coming from her bedroom. I knew that she had faith in herself. Dad and I had to get onboard as well. 

Continued in next post. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Rambling Wednesday

 I don't go into all that celebrity worship like a lot of folks do, but I could not help but be sad about Dolly Parton's husband passing. I appreciate his role in her life. She needed the spotlight, he needed his solitude and they made it happen. That's what love is all about.... letting your 'other' be themselves without giving up who you are. My husband was always supportive of what I did. And, I supported him. Geez, I miss that man! 

A quick note and I'll shut up about my teeth. Man, have they dominated my life for months now but I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I just want to thank all of you who have posted such comforting messages. You girls are the best! 

I don't know when I have been more positive about life (what little there is left of it) and I am so thankful for that. I'm gonna make each day count big time and enjoy it all. 

I am heavy into reading self-help books and yes I have gone the therapy route in short spurts during my lifetime (it always seems I need that after me losing a loved one). It's not a bad thing to been as diligent about your mental health as it is your physical health.

Speaking of physical health. My son and I talk over the cell phone often about changing our eating habits. He's all for it and I am to a certain extend. I figure at this age I don't need to give up all my guilty pleasures! 

Oh, while I am on the subject of eating. What is your favorite SOFT food to eat after dental work? I am finding that it is tough to vary your diet much if you want soft stuff. Maybe you can help me out. 

Here's a blast from my past.....
(guess you can tell I don't have any BIG thing to share today so I am rambling haha)

me riding my daughter's horse, Charlie
back in the 1970s

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Tooth Wizard

Well, I am off to see the wizard!

The dentist, that is. Again and again and again.

So want this all over with. A tooth pulling today. 

I don't have anything of importance to share with you. But, I did want to check in with y'all. 

Once I get to feeling myself again I will try to be more uplifting, interesting and whatever!! 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

It Feels Like Spring!

 It's gorgeous weather! Oh my, how I wish it would last but unfortunately some cold fronts are moving in and we will lose this beautiful, warm sunshine! I am so ready for Spring. Years ago I wrote a poem about The wind and spring and such.... 

I sat out on my balcony... no sweater... and it's February, folks. I saw something I don't believe I had ever seen before... and y'all, these are so out of focus but the branches got in the way... but it was two hawks sitting on a limb together. I am used to just seeing one at a time. And, I am quite the hawk finder. I am first to spot them in trees, on electric lines or whatever when we are traveling. 

Shirley came to get me this morning. It's Thursday so, do you know what is served at Cracker Barrel on Thursdays?  Yep, turkey and dressing. I just need a shot of that ever so often to soothe my southern soul! As good as that dressing is, it still does not measure up to my Mama's. Now, my Mama could make some wonderful cornbread dressing! I never developed the knack, sorry to say. 

Hope you all are having a bit of this 'spring like' weather. If not, I hope it comes to you soon. Hugs to each of you!